DeLay Indicted

DeLay's response? "It’s a skunky indictment..." DeLay's attorney told reporters. "Like a dead skunk in the middle of the road. It stinks to high heaven."
DeLay's tactics have stunk to high heaven for a long time, now. This indictment was too long in coming. It's time to scrape the road-kill off the street and dispose of it. As DeLay would demand of a Democratic congressional leader under these circumstances, he should step down as majority leader and resign his House seat.
Memo to the Democrats: It's time to grow some cajones and fight for DeLay's removal from power. If the Republican minority of 1989 could remove a Democratic House Speaker over lesser charges, then your party should be able to rid the chamber of this idiot without much of a sweat.
UPDATE: CNN is reporting DeLay will "will step aside as House majority leader following his indictment." Not enough. He should resign his seat. (Thanks to Gil.)
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