The amateurs at KEYT

Anchor Debby Davidson read off the wrong telepromtper. Videotape for reporter Martha Bull's lead story didn't work, causing Bull to stumble into a babbling ad-lib that made me want to change the channel.
But I didn't...and boy, was I sorry.
For the next several minutes the Channel 3 news team showed how amateurs cover a major news story. Bad writing, piss poor on-camera performances (from both reporters AND anchors), and then - to add insult to injury - while anchor C.J. Ward was listing the names of the dead, the on-screen graphics changed from pictures of the deceased to an over-the-shoulder picture of another story.
I realize this is market #119, but please! A major story like this breaks only once in a while and the folks at KEYT couldn't rise to the challenge. Pitiful.
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