Poor Pissy George

Apparently ol' Georgie Bush is a little P.O.'d over comments made by Stephen Colbert at the recent White House Correpondents Dinner (you can see Colbert's brilliant roast here).
Colbert put his brass cajones on full display by fearlessly going after the President (who was sitting less than 10 feet away) with a public scolding wrapped in hilarious satire. If you ask me it was the sort of slap down this Prez'dint needed.
But faster than you can say "My Pet Goat," a top White House aide was denouncing Colbert's remarks. "Colbert crossed the line...[the President was] ready to blow," the aide said.
Well! Poor pissy George! If we had a dollar for every line he has crossed we'd be able to wipe out the national debt.
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