Sad State of Affairs, Part 2

The red states wonder why we blue-staters look down on them. I present Exhibit 1 from the Orlando Sentinel:
Paul Day and Christopher Robertson knew life as gay men in Polk County could be rough. They had been called names and taunted by neighborhood teens before.Remember, this is Florida. The same state where 21 year-old Ronnie Paris is charged with torturing his 3-year old son to death because he thought the child was gay.
The couple never thought it would get so bad as Monday, when they returned home from errands to find their house in Kings Manor Mobile Home Park in Lakeland torched and the words "Die Fag" spray-painted on the front steps.
Statewide, though, there is an upward swing in the amount of violence reported toward people because of their sexual orientation. In the latest state report, for instance, hate crimes based on orientation accounted for a higher percentage of all hate crimes than ever before.
People who commit these sort of atrocities are really no different than men who fly planes into crowded skyscrapers.
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