"All our great Presidents were leaders of thought at times when certain historic ideas in the life of the nation had to be clarified." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, September 11, 1932

02 August 2005

Through the Back Door

Running late this morning and will be swamped all day. In the mean time, check out editorials (pro and con) regarding the installation of John Bolton to the United Nations:

New York Times

Washington Post

San Francisco Chronicle


Ohio Congressional Race-

A special election is being held today in Ohio's 2nd congressional district to replace former Rep. Rob Portman (Republican-OH) in the House of Representatives. The Republican candidate, Jean Schmidt, is favored to win in a rather conservative district, but the Democrat, Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, is giving the GOP a run for their money. Great coverage from the scene by the Swing State Project.

Blair Will Not Run Again-

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced that he will stand down in the next general election. Although he has up to five years to do so, the Guardian reports that Mr. Blair may call the next general election in 2007 (at which point he'll have been P.M. for ten years), still others expect him to fulfill his promise to serve out a "full term" of five years.

Blair's decision is expected to pave the way for Gordon Brown to become the next leader of the Labour Party and, should they keep a majority hold in the House of Commons, the next Prime Minister.