"All our great Presidents were leaders of thought at times when certain historic ideas in the life of the nation had to be clarified." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, September 11, 1932

24 January 2006

West Wing Cancelled - How It Should End

NBC announced on Sunday that "The West Wing" would not be on the 2006-2007 TV schedule. With multiple Emmys and seven strong seasons under its belt the show will come to its end in May with the swearing in of the "new president."

With the recent passing of John Spencer, who played the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, I started thinking of how the producers would tackle the election story line. This is what I came up with:

The death of Spencer's character causes a swell of sympathy for the Democratic ticket. Santos (Jimmy Smits) is able to win a slim popular vote and Electoral College victory over Vinnick (the Republican nominee played by Alan Alda). Yet despite the whisker-thin Democratic victory, the country remains divided. Following his election - without a Vice President -, Santos reaches across the aisle and asks his former opponent, Vinnick, to be his V.P. in a bipartisan White House. With a GOP-controlled congress, the choice is easily confirmed.

Just thinking out loud.