The President's Assault on the Constitution

fascism: n. An extreme form of nationalism that rejects individual freedom, liberal individualism, democracy, and limitations on state.
See Republican.
With the war in Iraq being run incompetently; with Iran ready to go to the mat over nukes; and with a President in the White House who feels he can pick and choose the laws he should follow and the laws he can break...the Republican-led U.S. Congress have decided the most important issue facing America today marriage (???) Important enough to...amend the Constitution (???)
Today the U.S. Senate is expected to begin debate on a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. The President will defile the White House Rose Garden by announcing from there his support for the amendment.
And so, following are comments I posted back in February 2004 - the last time ol' Georgie tried this crap. I've revised them slightly, but for the most part the main point remains: Under this man's leadership the country is headed down a dangerous path...
The long, slow crawl toward fascism in the United States has picked up tremendous speed.
With his trademark smirk, President George W. Bush will today declare war on gay Americans - and their families and friends - by proposing an amendment that would defile the Constitution of the United States - the most sacred government document in the history of the World.
This President and his party have proposed that we be deemed second-rate citizens. This President and his party have proposed that civil rights be stripped from a group of Americans that number in the tens of millions...that discrimination be written into the Constitution.
In doing so, George W. Bush and the Republican Party not only declare war on gay people and their families & friends, they declare war on the Constitution of the United States of America.
His message is plain as day: "You don't belong here."
A uniter, not a divider? The hypocrisy slays me.
Bush takes issue with what he calls "activist judges" who have made "an aggressive attempt to redefine marriage." (Actually Mr. President, they are simply doing their job...interpreting constitutional law without regard to politics!)
No, the real issue here is with an "activist president."
Mr. Bush has revealed his true colors. He's a divider, not a uniter. There is no "compassion" in his conservatism. As a matter of fact, he's a right wing zealot and by taking this action has proven beyond a doubt that he is the most dangerous man ever to occupy the presidency.
To the 1.1 million gay citizens who voted for the President in 2000 and then voted to re-elect him in 2004, I offer this: Your president has betrayed you...AGAIN. He has announced to the world that you are his enemy and that he will fight the ultimate political war to make sure you are discriminated against. He has disassembled his Republican Party's "big tent." The mighty Republican elephant is now the definitive emblem of cruelty, division, and intolerance. By voting for his re-election in 2004 you betrayed us all.
In the February 17, 2004 issue of the Advocate, marriage rights proponent Andrew Sullivan offered an argument that essentially rips through the heart of the conservative movement to ban gay marriage. I leave you with the final paragraph from that essay:
Here's a deal for straight conservative America. You're perfectly entitled to rhapsodize about traditional marriage. If that's your reason for barring gays from marriage, fine. But until you criticize straight trashing of traditional marriage, until you support a constitutional amendment banning or restricting straight divorce, until you show even a scintilla of moral consistency, no one need take you seriously. You're not pro-marriage. You're anti-gay. And the evidence of your prejudice mounts daily.
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